Speech in CaixaBank Shareholders Meeting 2013 (Albert Sales)

Ladies and Gentlemen, directors, shareholders, Mr. Fainé,

My name is Albert Sales and I am speaking on behalf of the "CaixaBank Without Weapons" Campaign, driven by Debt Observatory on Globalization (ODG), the Delàs JM Study Centre for Peace and SETEM.

They give me voice to this delegation meeting of 45,648 shares by dozens of shareholders.

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Speech in CaixaBank Shareholders Meeting (Jordi Calvo)

Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, ladies and gentlemen who are shareholders, my name is Jordi Calvo Rufanges, I participate in this meeting representing the "CaixaBank Without Weapons" campaign, which is sponsored by the Center for Peace Studies Delàs JM, l'observatori of deuterium in Globalització (ODG) and Setem.

I speak on behalf of 45,648 shares provided by dozens of shareholders who support our campaign, aiming to report to the public opinion and any and all customers and shareholders of CaixaBank, the investments that your organization has in the arms industry.

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Help us to report CaixaBank's weapon investments

banner dreta caixabanksensearmesPetition of shares to attend the CaixaBank Shareholders General Meeting 2013.

This year we will participate again in the SGM of CaixaBank celebrated on April 25, 2013 in Barcelona. Our goal will be to report investments CaixaBank against a culture of peace, especially those dedicated to the weapon industry.

We ask for your help by transferring their shares to the person representing the campaign.

If you are interested in collaborating in this action would please send us your participation card duly signed. If you have any questions write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will contact you to arrange the transfer of shares.

Speech in Banco Santander Shareholders Meeting 2013 (Jordi Calvo)

Banco Santander Shareholders Meeting, Santander, March 22, 2013

Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board of Directors, our shareholders, my name is Jordi Calvo Rufanges, I speak on behalf of 78,084 shares as a member of the "Banco Santander Without Weapons" campaign, which aims to expose to the public opinion the weapon investments in Banco Santander and require the complete abandonment of this immoral way to generate economic benefits. This campaign is promoted since 2008 by the Centre of Studies for Peace JM Delàs of Justice and Peace, an NGO Setem and Debt Observatory in Globalization.

Year by year we discover new Banco Santander investments in the business of weapons, the war, which produces millions of victims every year. This year we are forced to say again that you are profiting immorally.

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Speech in Banco Santander Shareholders Meeting 2013 (Albert Sales)

Banco Santander Shareholders Meeting, Santander, March 22, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, directors, shareholders, Mr Botín

My name is Albert Sales and I am speaking on behalf of Banco Santander Without Weapons campaign driven by Debt Observatory on Globalization, the Delàs Study Centre for Peace and SETEM and also on behalf of the Platform for the Civil Audit of the Debt.

They give me voice to this delegation meeting of 78,084 shares by dozens of shareholders.

The social reality of the Spanish State obliges us to remind you that peace is not merely the absence of war. Peace is built by creating the right conditions to avoid violence. The recession that we live in, which is rooted in the dysfunctional financial sector, hits the daily reality of many families living unacceptable forms of violence through the financial sector and public policies to their service.

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