First Intervention of the BBVA Shareholders Meeting

Shareholders of BBVA, Bilbao, March 13, 2015

Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Gemma Amoros and I speak as a member of the Delás Study Center for Peace on behalf of the campaign BBVA without arms.I speak on behalf of dozens of shareholders who have given 609 575 shares to the campaign BBVA without arms to raise their voice in this forum today. We urge you, on their behalf, to modify your policy of controversial investments.

BBVA says it respects human rights in its business strategies. However, it is the Spanish bank that has set aside more capital to the arms industry in the period 2005- 2013 than any other. The total investment of the bank in arms for that period was 3.626 million euros. How you can respect human rights by promoting and weapons like this?

Of this total, 2.657 million are for loans to companies researching or manufacturing weapons; nearly 600 million was dedicated to finance exports of Italian weapons; 338 million was invested in bond and commercial paper of weapons; and 31 million euros were invested in mutual funds, stocks and bonds of companies in the defense industry.

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Second Intervention of the BBVA Shareholders Meeting

Shareholders of BBVA, Bilbao, March 13, 2015

Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maria de Lluc Bagur and I speak as a member of the Delás Center for Peace Studies on behalf of the campaign BBVA without arms. I speak on behalf of dozens of shareholders who have given 609 575 shares to the campaign BBVA without arms to have their voices heard in this forum today. We urge you, on your behalf, to modify your policy of controversial investments.

BBVA is one of the main banks financing the coal industry in Colombia. According to the report Banking on coal, published in 2013 by a group of international NGOs, this entity has paid to the coal mining industry around €913 million since 2005.

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Este Año Volvemos a Denunciar las Inversiones NO Éticas del BBVA en su Junta de Accionistas

o BBVA financia a la compañía Drummond, que extrae carbón de las minas de Colombia y a la que se acusa de apoyar a las fuerzas paramilitares a cambio de protección.

o En el periodo 2011-2014, BBVA ha invertido 3.034 millones de dólares (2.739 millones de euros) en financiar empresas que fabrican, experimentan o están relacionadas con el arsenal nuclear.

o BBVA es la entidad financiera española que mayor capital destinó a la industria de armamento en el periodo 2005- 2013, un total de 3.626 millones de euros.


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Intervención de Justícia i Pau en el Banco Sabadell 2014

Miembros de Justícia i Pau de Sabadell han asistido a la Junta de Accionistas del Banco Sabadell, donde un portavoz ha tomado la palabra para denunciar las inversiones en armamento que hace el banco. Esta acción se inscribe dentro de la campaña " Banca armada", en la que denunciamos las inversiones en armas del Banco Sabadell ante la Junta de Accionistas.

La delegación de 3.242 acciones ha dado voz a la campaña ante los responsables y los accionistas de la entidad bancaria con el objetivo de denunciar las inversiones de Banco Sabadell Atlántico en industrias armamentísticas por un valor de más de 25 millones de euros. 

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Shareholders of Banco Santander, Santander, March 28, 2014 
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, members of the Board of Directors, our shareholders. My name is Ainhoa Diaz and I come to speak on behalf of the Banco Santander unarmed Campaign, sponsored by Delàs Study Center for Peace Justice and Peace, an NGO Setem the Debt Observatory on Globalization (ODG) and Collective RETS (Responses to Transnational Corporations). 
I speak on behalf of 122,593 shares, provided to the campaign by dozens of shareholders thus want to show their disagreement with the disputed investments of Banco Santander.
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