About us

The JM Delàs Peace Studies Centre, SETEM, Justícia i Pau, RETS and the ODG (Observatory on Debt in Globalization) promote this initiative to raise awareness of and public condemnation for financial institutions which participate in the arms manufacture, industries which have damaging effects upon peoples and the towns where they live. We demand real respect on the part of financial institutions for human rights and the environment.

These organizations also spearhead and promote other campaigns focused on condemning three of the worst investors in weaponry: BBVA, Banco Santander and Caixabank. As well as the initiatives Banca Limpia and the Cluster Munition Coalition.
The goal of the campaign is to inform and raise awareness in society to demand that Spanish financial institutions change their policies and end all relations to socially irresponsible industries, such as those which are detailed in this website.

For this reason, this initiative shows the depth and importance of the financial relationships between banks and companies which produce weapons, in order to identify those financial institutions which are responsible for unethical practices such as to profit from the manufacture and exportation of weaponry.

The organizations which promote Banca Armada are:


J.M. Delàs Peace Studies Centre

delas2013 colorThe JM Delàs Peace Studies Centre and was created in 1999, and is a Centre of Research and Documentation on issues related to disarmament and peace. The mission of the Centre is to strengthen the culture of peace and the construction of a disarmed society, making people aware of the negative effects of arms and militarism. The Centre combines the work of research and publication with outreach and social mobilization against the consequences of militarism, such as military expenditures, military R&D and the manufacture and trade of arms. Besides, it works to denounce governments’ lack of compliance with the international agreements regulating these issues. The Study Centre for Peace J.M. Delàs is collaborator of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and is a member of ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade), the CMC (Cluster Munitions Coalition), the International Peace Bureau, the War Resisters International and the IANSA network against the traffic of small arms.


Website: http://www.centredelas.org

Centre d'Estudis per la Pau J.M.Delàs
C/ Erasme de Janer, 8, entresuelo
08001 Barcelona

Telephone and email:
+(34) 93 441 19 47
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logosetemSETEM is an NGO which since 1991 has been working for Development and works to end the injustices related to the countries in the North and South, through Development Education and Increasing awareness, promotion of fair trade and ethical finance and informational campaigns condemning abuses.

Since 2000, SETEM encourages the campaign for Sustainable and Ethical Banking, is a pioneer in Spain as the first NGO to condemn the support between banks and producers of controversial weaponry. These initiatives seek another form of savings and investment, and seek a triple social benefit: social, environmental, and economic. SETEM forms part of the international Bank Track network and is a member of the Cluster Munition Coalition.

Nowadays SETEM Catalunya leads federal and network level with other entities.


Website: www.setem.cat

SETEM Catalunya

C/ Bisbe Laguardia, 4
08001 Barcelona

Telephone and email:

+(34) 91 549 91 28
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The Observatory on Debt in Globalization (ODG)

logoodgThe ODG is a centre for investigation of the relationships between countries in the North and the South and the current generation of debt during the process of Globalization. It studies in a multidisciplinary manner the mechanisms associated with the external debt of the poorest countries on the Periphery of the economic system with countries in the Centre, and in particular, with Spain and the EU. It is currently expanding its activity to other spheres which we call anticooperation, which is the say, those processes and mechanisms which in the setting of international relations generate impacts negatives in the Global South. The ODG is especially known for its active promotion and participation in the QDQ (Who owes Whom?) Campaign.

It is also part of the campaigns "BBVA sin armas" "Banco Santander sin armas" and “Caixabank sin armas”


Website: http://www.odg.cat

ODG Technical Office
C/ Girona 25, principal
08010 Barcelona

Telephone and email:
+(34) 93 301 17 93
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