Publicación del informe Don't bank on the bomb

El informe Don't Bank on the Bomb: a Global Report on the Financing of Nuclear Weapons Producers, realizado por PAX anualmente, ofrece nuevas actualizaciones respecto a las entidades financieras (bancos, fondos de pensiones y compañías de seguros) que prestan apoyo a empresas productoras de armas nucleares.

Actualmente, un total de 411 instituciones financieras de todo el mundo invierten 402 billones de dólares (321 billones de euros) en compañías involucradas en la producción, mantenimiento y modernización de armas nucleares.

Según el informe, actualmente en España las instituciones financieras involucradas en la financiación de empresas productoras de armas nucleares son: Acciona, Banco Sabadell, Grupo BBVA y Grupo Santander.

Share's petition to attend to BBVA, Banco Santander and CaixaBank's general shareholders meeting

As we have done for some years in BBVA sin armas, Banco Santander sin armas and CaixaBank sin armas campaigns, under Banca Armada campaign, this year we want to return to participate in the BBVA, Banco Santander and CaixaBank's General Shareholders Meetings that to be held next March 14 and 28, and April 24 respectively.

Our aim is, as always, report to the media and all the shareholders that will be there, the BBVA, Banco Santander and CaixaBank investments that violate human rights and promote armed violence.

We ask for your help by transferring your shares to the person representing the campaign.

If you are interested to collaborate in these actions, please send us your signed participation cards. If you have any questions, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will contact you to arrange the transfer of shares.

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